Our Community
About Saint Nikolai
The people of St. Nikolai came together in the year 2013 for the purpose of forming an Orthodox Christian community that could worship in the English language, respect the diverse traditions of its individual members, and be a witness of Christian love to the surrounding communities of Alliance and Louisville. While the nearby cities of Akron and Canton, lying to the West, contain many Orthodox communities, the people of St. Nikolai’s observed that there was a large area to the East and South of Alliance that held no Orthodox presence. Under the Omophorion of His Grace, Bishop ALEXANDER of Toledo and the Bulgarian Diocese, the community of St. Nikolai began holding services at Mount Union University in Alliance with the pastoral guidance of Very Rev. Joseph Cervo and Protodeacon James Gresh.
The university was very receptive to our presence, but as the size of the community continued to grow a long-term home was sought. Property was offered to the community a mile West of Alliance. The community purchased and dedicated the property in October of 2013 and broke ground for a building in the spring of 2015. The completion of the temple in October of 2015 provided the mission with a small but beautiful worship space.
In 2016, Fr. Joseph Cervo returned to Pittsburgh and his roots. Meanwhile, Dn. Mikel Hill was ordained to the Holy Priesthood in January of 2017 and became St. Nikolai's full-time priest and rector in 2017. Under his leadership, the community faced a series of challenges including an arson fire in August, 2017, the damage from which required extensive rehabilitation. The community returned to its beloved temple in the spring of 2018, with renewed dedication.
In 2018, Fr. Mikel Hill took a position with St. Tikhon’s Monastery as Director of the Book Store. Fr. Don Freude served as the parish’s administrator with supply priests Fr. Basil Stoyka and Fr. James Barkett continuing a limited service schedule starting in December of 2018. In July of 2023, Fr. Stephen Duesenberry became St. Nikolai’s priest and parish rector.
St. Nikolai through the years